Responsible according to § 5 TMG:
BOROS Foundation non-profit GmbH
Reinhardtstrasse 20
10117 Berlin
+49 30 27594065
Authorized representative managing director:
Karen and Christian Boros
Legal notice:
All data and information contained in our Internet pages have been carefully researched and checked. No liability can be assumed for correctness, completeness and topicality. All information serves exclusively for the information of the visitors of the online offer. In all other respects, liability is limited to intent and gross negligence. The respective providers are responsible for the Internet pages of third parties to which reference is made by hyperlink. The BOROS Foundation gemeinnützige GmbH is not responsible for the content of such third party sites. Furthermore, the website of the BOROS Foundation gemeinnützige GmbH may have been linked from another site via hyperlink without its knowledge. BOROS Foundation gemeinnützige GmbH therefore generally assumes no responsibility for the presentation of BOROS Foundation gemeinnützige GmbH in the websites of third parties. Furthermore, BOROS Foundation gemeinnützige GmbH reserves the right to make changes or additions to the information provided. The content and structure of the websites of BOROS Foundation gemeinnützige GmbH are protected by copyright. Reproduction of content or data, in particular the use of texts, text parts or images requires the prior written consent of BOROS Foundation gemeinnützige GmbH or the artists and their legal representatives.